The True Cost of Care

A Look into a Complicated Healthcare System

  • U.S. healthcare spending reached $12,914 per person in 2021 per CMS.

  • The healthcare system in the U.S. is complex because it utilizes all four common international models of healthcare.

  • Complex healthcare systems result in complicated billing processes for providers and patients.

  • It can be difficult for patients to utilize preventive healthcare in the U.S., leading to poor health outcomes and more healthcare spend when they need chronic care as they become more ill.

Pharmacy Transparency Matters

When patients understand their out-of-pocket costs for treatment, including prescriptions, they are empowered to be engaged and make choices about their care resulting in improved outcomes. Download our White Paper series to learn more about healthcare transparency.

Contact us today to learn how the Prescription Network Intata model offers full transparency of pharmacy benefits to the health plan, the provider and the patient.